Exploaded WAR with Maven and Eclipse

The aim: setup a maven war project and JBoss7/WildFly so that the only thing needed to see your changes is touch my.war.dodeploy and F5 in the browser.

Setting up Maven

First thing to do is to setup outputDirectory, so that Eclipse will put the class files instantly in the right place:


Now you need to update Eclipse .project file:

mvn eclipse:eclipse

If you haven’t done that already, now’s the time to do File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace in Eclipse. Otherwize just refresh your project.

Setup the complete exploaded web app in src/main/webapp using war:inplace

mvn war:inplace

This will essentially copy declared runtime dependencies to src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib

Keepeing it clean

Make sure not to commit lib and classes from src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ to your source control. If you’re using git then put the follwing lines in the projects root .gitignore:


One more thing - let’s tell the clean plugin to remove the generated WEB-INF/lib directory: org.apache.maven.plugins maven-clean-plugin 2.4.1 ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib */
… Note that WEB-INF/classes will be removed by default as is declared as outputDirectory.

Setting up JBoss7/WildFly

Linux users have it easy (MacOS probaly too) - just symlink src/main/webapp in standalone/deployments:

cd $WILDFLY/standalone/deployments
ln -s $MY_PROJECT/src/main/webapp my.war

Now the only thing to do after you’ve changes some Java files is to

touch $WILDFLY/standalone/deployments/my.war.dodeploy

If you don’t have symlinks on your system (e.g. Windows) - you’ll need to do some additional setup. I’ll describe it in another post.

Development cycle

All static file changes are instantly visible in the browser. After changing Java sources do

touch $WILDFLY/standalone/deployments/my.war.dodeploy

No need to call Maven here. Eclipse puts the compiled class files rigth into place.

If you change the dependencies in the pom.xml do

mvn clean compile war:inplace
touch $WILDFLY/standalone/deployments/my.war.dodeploy

This will fully regenerate the WEB-INF/lib dir.